Diskon spesial untuk madu hutan!

Tentang Kami Hareotoko

Kami menjual madu hutan berkualitas tinggi, dipanen secara berkelanjutan untuk menjaga kelestarian alam dan memberikan manfaat kesehatan bagi Anda.

A large honeycomb displayed on a stand with the word 'honey' on a small chalkboard sign. Surrounding the honeycomb are various jars, possibly containing honey or spreads, and a collection of arranged small jars in the background.
A large honeycomb displayed on a stand with the word 'honey' on a small chalkboard sign. Surrounding the honeycomb are various jars, possibly containing honey or spreads, and a collection of arranged small jars in the background.



Kualitas Terjamin

Madu Hutan

Kontak Kami

A collection of glass jars filled with various shades of honey are neatly arranged in stacks. Some jars have golden lids and contain suspended nuts within the amber liquid. The assortment displays a range of golden hues, from light to dark amber.
A collection of glass jars filled with various shades of honey are neatly arranged in stacks. Some jars have golden lids and contain suspended nuts within the amber liquid. The assortment displays a range of golden hues, from light to dark amber.

Hubungi kami untuk pertanyaan tentang produk madu hutan dan layanan kami. Kami siap membantu!

Lokasi Kami

Kami menjual madu hutan berkualitas tinggi. Temukan kami di lokasi strategis untuk mendapatkan produk terbaik dari alam.


Leter S, jalan SMA NEGERI 17 No.10, RT.,01/RW.,017, Sungai Pelunggut, Kec. Sagulung, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia


09.00 - 17.00